Monday, August 26, 2013

Fucked, forever

The beautiful boys and girls used to run
ragged through the East Village, puking
on sidewalks and fucking themselves stupid
with the joy they borrowed from each other.

We used to meet their cousins – tight
and smooth, trusting adolescents
from the Midwest. They let their hands
rub up our thighs, to our soft or swollen spots.

Nobody’s cousin is fucking anyone tonight.

There was a time we said: love.
Then, we said: appreciate.
I discovered a lady’s tells, and she sent me away.

I could steal her money and cut out her tongue,
but she would still play with my fingers –
an aimless, silent monologue through a mouthful
of blood. This is how we knew each other.

This is when we drank and fucked, forever
looking for a path. She showed me her light
and it turned out to be a train and a tunnel
and we don’t know what we want anymore.

We do know what we need.

I need a bed that won’t quit and a meter
that won’t expire, something I can keep
time to when the light goes out.

And all she needs is the hard cock
of her handsome man.