Thursday, April 26, 2012

The 26th of April

It's somebody's birthday.

I had the vision of calling at 12:01 am this morning, probably waking you up. Or interrupting a phone call from your father or your baby boy. Restraint is adult-like, perhaps. It's not so much fun to grow old.

Someone had commented on a poem I had written for you. They said they liked it; that they could taste the pain. In it, I talked about being in your passenger seat, driving back from the Norman Rockwell museum in the rain. I kept falling asleep, and would wake to find you humming along to Feist's 'The Reminder' and tapping your steering wheel. I'm sorry I fell asleep on you.

I hope that your day and weekend is filled with lightness and cocktails and girls' nights that are all wooooo hooooo. You deserve more nights like those.

Happy Birthday, Darling.


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

[This is the way, she says, for girls...]

This is the way, she says, for girls
in white bathtubs with grey walls and hard

that cut the glass in half. The image is all
split, like visions
from an alternate timeline.

And a back is showing, and the beads
of water slide down
and disappear, prompting the viewer

to yell Wait/Don't go/Not yet.
The girl has gone away,
fading into the glow of a computer screen, trapped

in the frame of a site, of a picture
that we will share and stare at
for years.

Friday, April 20, 2012

After the Long Break

God damn us for
our arrogance, we

knew not what
we were doing.

Forgive us --
the terribly un

inspired transplants,
for our insolence.