Friday, February 1, 2013

The Queen of The Salt Water State (For Kathleen Bennett)

But at least I know we'll never be that far now from each other/
just a couple hundred feet either side of sea level.
- Los Campesinos!, "Hate For the Island"

We thought we could solve the world's problems from this bed,
but we were woefully unprepared. We knew not what we were doing

and we liked it this way just fine.

In another postal code, I have given you a new name; a badge
you can carry and flash when you're in need. We should be so lucky

to bow before you: The Queen of The Salt Water State.

And just because I left, it doesn't mean I left you. For how could I?
You are the conversation topic now. The reason to return

to a place that won't have me. And I love you like the whole world;

that's still enough, isn't it? 'Cos that's really all we have
when it's hard and cold, and the soft spots and hot hands

can't be found. I stole that line from that Welsh band we like,

because we can communicate with chords and borrowed accents,
even though we are so very (sort of) far away. I drop my R's more,

because I thought it would make you smile.


  1. With my Bear I am a Ladybird and that I like.
