"Well, I said: My god, he don't exist.
And even if he did, he wouldn't like this.
She said she thought of me last night,
while she was reading Lovecraft by the floodlight..."
We will invent new words! Or, if we are tired & lazy,
new meanings! 'Cos the ones we've got mean shit these days.
Let us nail them to the wall with our science & staples
& paintbrushes. You will know the size & shape
of our supermeal(s). See? The word should be underlined red.
We will invent new lives! Things need not be the way they are,
but they do if we want to pay the bills. Let us drink our beer
without a yelling crowd, for just this one time. Could they swallow
the change? Would their throats tighten & resist? We could win
awards for our deeds, or at least a seat at a better table.
We will invent new ways to forget! (That line does not perform,
but the concept will). Won't it be something when they realize
this space is not for beautiful words? Won't it be something
when they realize this is a testament to the things we don't remember?
To the things we are shaking & drowning & aching to ignore?